Writing Archives

Results Of The Readers Being Ignored By Article Writers Poll

Friday, March 09, 2018
Way back when this article had been published elsewhere, I added an Opinion Stage poll to it. For reasons I'll be talking about in another post on another one of my blogs, I've decided to replace this poll with one from SurveyHero.

The article in question is about authors or writers not replying to the comments or questions left by readers or visitors of their articles or posts.
comment replies, informational articles, writing, writing articles, poll results, opinion stage, surveyhero, readers, blog, questions, answers, posts
The poll was made on 21 October 2014. So far, it has had 9 votes.
opinion stage, dashboard, poll, comment replies, writing articles, writers or authors ignoring readers
The original poll looked like this:
opinion stage, poll, comment replies, writing articles, writers or authors ignoring readers, poll layout or appearance
On my dashboard on the Opinion Stage site, the statistics page for this poll looks like this:
opinion stage, pie chart, poll results, statistics page, comment replies, writing articles, writers or authors ignoring readers
opinion stage, poll results, statistics page, comment replies, writing articles, writers or authors ignoring readers
Here's the new poll from SurveyHero: 

So, what about you? What do you think about this? Do you want authors or writers to reply to the comments you leave on their posts or articles? Or do you not mind being ignored?

Update on July 7, 2023 Friday: had to delete all my SurveyHero polls.

- Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki (CC:BY-SA) based on the image by hayashinomura (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- The rest of the pics are screenshots from my Opinion Stage account

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