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Don’t Stop Believin’ Journey Song Quote Analysis

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
"Don’t stop believin'"
- Don’t Stop Believin’ (song by Journey)

Don’t Stop Believin’ is the title of a song by Journey. It was released as a single from their album entitled Escape.
don't stop believin', journey, band, music album, escape, philosophical musings, quotes analysis, songs, lyrics, inspirational themes
The song is pretty catchy and sounds really quite nice, ne? It’s got a lively beat. The tone sounds hopeful. The title itself is very inspiring.
"Don’t stop believing" - isn’t this something that we should always remember? The quote and the title of the song by Journey reminds us that we should keep on believing in ourselves and in our capabilities. We should not lose hope or give up.

We should just keep on believing, never stopping, because, someday, everything will be all right. In the end, it will all be worth it, right? So, what do you think about this song by Journey? Do you like it?

- Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki using Pablo by Buffer based on the image by sinvia (CC:BY) from deviantArt
- YouTube video features the Don't Stop Believin' song by Journey
- This was previously published elsewhere

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