Writing Archives

How To Improve Your Article Titles?

Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Do you hate writing titles for your articles or blog posts? Some people find it easy to improve their article titles. Some will struggle and have a hard time. I’d say I’m more on the latter. Sometimes I hate having to write titles for my online articles or blog posts.

online writing, write articles, blog posts, improve titles, interesting, catchy titles

It’s such a pain and hassle trying to come up with one. I always have so many draft titles. Usually, I write a long list of titles before even choosing one. More often than not, I just write my post first and leave the title for last.

Say no to misleading titles

The main body of the article is definitely easier for me. Article titles have to be interesting, not misleading. They should be able to get people to read them. They should be able to pique their curiosity.

I’ve been working on improving the titles on my articles (like the ones on this blog and my other Tumblr and Google Blogger blogs) a few at a time, but it’s definitely not that easy.

Edit your article titles

Sometimes I’ve to change the article title several times before I’m satisfied. Even then I might end up changing them again later on when or if I come up with something new that seems interesting enough. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an easier way to improve our article titles? What do you think about this?

- Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki (CC:BY-SA) based on the image by CoDLia (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- Image is meant to symbolize someone trying to improve their article titles
- YouTube video talks about some things that can help you make your titles less boring and more interesting and catchy
- This was previously published elsewhere

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