Writing Archives

4 Reasons Why You Want To Change The Titles Of Your Articles

Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Writing sites and blogging platforms like Tumblr, Medium, and Google Blogger usually let you change the titles of your articles whenever and anytime you want to. But what reason is there to want to change the titles of your articles?

online writing, write articles, blog posts, improve titles, interesting, catchy titles, long titles, descriptive titles, change titles, edit titles

Improve your article titles

If you think the titles of your articles need improvement, then, by all means, feel free to change them. Improving the titles of your articles is definitely a good thing so you can get more readers.

If the titles of your old articles are not as good as the newest or most recent article titles that you have, you should go ahead and change them to improve them. This is especially so if, previously, you struggled to come up with great titles for your articles.

Make your article titles interesting

Are your article titles boring, dull, and bland? You should definitely change them to make them more interesting. Who wants to read boring titles, right?

Put yourself in your potential article visitor or reader’s shoes and think about what kind of title would get you to check out an article.

More often than not, the title is the only thing that people can see before they can look at the rest of your article.

If the title doesn’t interest them or grab their attention, then they won’t bother to read said article. They’ll just look for other articles that are more appealing and interesting to them.

Article titles are too vague and mysterious

A mysterious title is pretty good if it can help to pique your readers’ curiosity and get them to want to check out the rest of the article.

But you can’t be too mysterious and vague about it, otherwise people won’t have an idea on what the article is going to be about.

Or they might get an idea on the article’s topic based on its title and they think that sounds interesting, but when they check out the article, they’ll soon find out that they got it wrong and that would no doubt upset them.

So be sure that your titles aren’t misleading and that they’re actually relevant to the article in question.

Don’t explain everything to your readers or visitors in your article title

Some titles seem to have the contents of the entire article summarized in one line. Don’t do that. You should be giving people a reason to want to check out your article.

If your title already answers their question or explains everything to them, then why would they bother clicking and checking out the rest of your article?

- Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki (CC:BY-SA) based on the image by CoDLia (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- Image is meant to represent someone trying to change the titles of their articles
- YouTube video talks about some things that can help you make your titles less boring and more interesting and catchy
- This was previously published elsewhere

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