Writing Archives

Problems With Google Blogger

Sunday, February 10, 2019
Argh, mein gott, this is terrible. Uff, Google Blogger is seriously driving me crazy. I just wish it would work already. I do wanna blog there too, you know?

google blogger, blog themes, templates, blogging

And, yeah, I totally mean that even though I have like more than enough blogs here on Tumblr as it is. Sigh. So, what’s going on? What’s up with Google Blogger?

Complications and More Complications

Yeah, it really is complicated. Like, really, super times infinity complicated. Which means it’s also a very long story.

I’ll expound on it more later on, but, for right now, I’ll just say that I’m trying to create my own Google Blogger theme.

Google Blogger Themes and Templates

Initially, I tried to look for Google Blogger themes that I could use. This takes a whole lot of time though ‘cause, not only are there like a million zillion templates out there, I also have my own preferences/opinions on what kind of theme I wanna use on my blog.

I’ve since stopped looking for blog templates though. Why? Lots of reasons actually. I’ll discuss that in another post. Right now, let me just say that it’s just not worth it anymore.

No to Themes With Encrypted Codes

Also, I wanna say that I don’t wanna use templates that have encrypted codes, not that I’m saying they’re bad or anything, but- that’s the point, isn’t it?

Since the codes are encrypted, how do you know that there isn’t anything malicious or bad hidden behind the encryption? How can you know for sure that your blog is perfectly safe and a-okay even with these encryption codes?

Creating Google Blogger Themes

So, anyway, thanks to all the reasons mentioned above and more, I’ve decided that I should just create or make my own Google Blogger theme. That’s totally easier said than done though. Sigh. The problem is- wait, scratch that.

Actually there are a lot of problems with this, but, probably the most important is simply the lack of time. I’ve other blogs and stuff to do, so I can’t fully focus on Google Blogger. And that’s why I’ve just decided to create a pretty simple theme.

There’s no need for all the bells and whistles and stuff. But, well- meh, the codes refuse to cooperate. It’s really not that easy. I’ll need more time to figure all this out. But I really wish I could just blog right away already.

google blogger, blog themes, templates, blogging, encryption, encrypted codes

Sometimes, I get/feel all frustrated and annoyed and think that eh, forget it. I’ll stick to Tumblr. But then I get all these ideas and think, argh, but I wanna blog on Blogger too. And I also wanna make Blogger themes. Sigh. Hopefully, all the issues will get resolved soon.

I really wish that Google Blogger offered some sort of customization documentation on how to create themes on their blogging platform. You know, kind of like what Tumblr does with their custom theme docs. Totally love and appreciate that, by the way.

Update: So far (yep, I've got plans to make more. LOL), I've managed to create the Blogging Sites Meta, Writing Archives (this blog), Anime Archives (Anime Meta), Movies Meta, and Writing Sites Meta blogs.

Have also started regularly writing and publishing articles on all of them. What can you say about their design and layout?

- First image is by GraphBerry (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- Second image is by GraphBerry (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- This was previously published elsewhere on Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 11:36 AM

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