Writing Archives

Fixing The Google Blogger Navbar

Wednesday, February 20, 2019
So- am still working on my Google Blogger blog. I’ve decided to focus on the navbar for now. So far, it’s going sort-of okay. Sort-of, but not really. What does that mean, you ask?

fixed header navbar, google blogger, blog, blogging platform, blog theme, template, fixed header navbar

Google Blogger Navbar

I wanted a fixed navbar so that when you scroll down, you can still see the blog title and the menu links (plus whatever else you added to said navbar).

The fixed part is working a-okay on my Google Blogger blog already. It looks pretty nice too 😊. I’ve also got the blog title on the navbar in fancy-looking, but still readable font.

I’ve got some of the menu links listed already, and they even have icons (from Font Awesome, which is really awesome, by the way).

I’ve got follow buttons too (Pinterest and Twitter) as well as a “Subscribe to the RSS” icon though the links haven’t been inserted yet.

The buttons initially looked rather small (was using the default in Font Awesome), but I decided to make them bigger. I first tried fa-lg then fa-2x before finally settling with fa-3x.

I’ve got a search box too though it doesn’t really work yet. Currently, the entire navbar looks like this:

google blogger, blog, blogging platform, blog theme, template, fixed header navbar

You can’t see the title with the fancy-looking font, but, yeah, it’s there. It’s to the left of the “About” link. What do you think about this navbar?

Some Problems / Issues with the Google Blogger Navbar

Well, the navbar looks nice on bigger screens, but I still need to fix the way it looks on smaller screens.

Am also planning to fix up the search box some more. I’m thinking of getting rid of the large textbox and just using the search icon.

Then, when the search button is clicked, that’s only when the search box will show up where people can type whatever they’re looking for.

It should make the navbar look less cluttered, and it should make its appearance on mobile screens much nicer.

Looking forward to finishing up with fixing the Google Blogger navbar so I can move on to the other parts of my blog that need fixing (that would be pretty much everything, unfortunately). Hopefully, I can start blogging there soon.

Update: have decided to forgo the fixed header navbar for all my Google Blogger blog themes. And, yes, as can be seen with this blog, I've started blogging on Blogger already. You can check out a list of my Blogger blogs here.

- First image is by GraphBerry (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt
- This was previously published elsewhere on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 11:40 AM

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