Writing Archives

Reason Why It Hurts To Feel So Invisible

Sunday, June 11, 2017
Hey, hello. Hi there. What’s up? How are you? Oh, hey, guess what? Want to know something interesting? You know, I-

He sighed and stopped speaking. What was the use? He was invisible. No one noticed him. He was right there, standing amongst the crowd of people, but not a single person noticed him.

He tried talking to them, befriending them, but it was no use because no one paid attention to him. They were all so busy with their lives; they were too selfish to care about other people.
dark, depressing themes, short stories, philosophical musings, creative writing, depression, loneliness, pain, invisible, insignificant, alone
He bit his lip and tried not to cry. He looked around him. Everyone was happy, smiling, laughing and no one noticed him or how hurt he was and how invisible he felt.

Hey, hey – he tried again – look at me. I’m right here. Please, I exist too, you know? I’m standing right here. At least, hear me out. I just want my voice to be heard.

I just want someone to listen to what I have to say. Am I that insignificant? Why can’t you see me? I’m alive. I exist. I’m here.

Comments (from back when this used to be posted elsewhere):

Analyn (&dysenteryanalyn):
This is another depressing story. I wonder how you come up with these stories.

Freya (in reply to Analyn):
I’m not really sure. I get ideas and I just write it down. It might also have something to do with what people might be feeling or thinking about or what they’ve seen, etc.

Blanka Đulabić (&B4RBii3):
It hurts, because we all want to be seen but, also, to stay alone, a little bit, and sometimes, it’s really difficult to find the balance.

Freya (in reply to Blanka):
Yeah, I think everyone wants to be seen and noticed. Who wants to be invisible, right? Perhaps, people are just looking for a place where they can feel that they belong, where they won’t feel so alone and unwanted and unloved.

A little solitude or quiet time is okay once in a while, but who wants to be alone all the time? There should be some balance between being alone and not being alone.

- Sad boy anime art print on canvas pic is from Amazon.com
- Pic is meant to represent the lonely and depressed character in the story

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