Writing Archives

Who Wants A War?

Monday, October 02, 2017
Also known as, "I will not lose to you," "I will not back down," "What is the Spades King planning?" and "I just don't want my people to get hurt".

Previously, in this series, West told East that the Superhero had the right to interfere while East said that was not the case at all. It looks like neither Superhero is willing to back down and concede that the other is right.
adventure, fantasy, superheroes series, short story, creative writing, fate/stay night, fight, war
East insists that West should not interfere because the issue does not concern the latter. But West is adamant that the issue does have something to do with the western Superhero and, as such, West had every right to interfere.

Now, East wishes to protest against West’s words in the last post, but West raises a hand to stop the eastern Superhero from doing so.

“No,” West says, “Look, East, come on, just wait and listen. The Clubs and Hearts Kingdoms are on the western side of The World, my side, and they're involved too. The other kingdoms near the Visible Demarcation Line are involved too.

“These guys are all worried about the Spades King and what he might do to them. These rulers are just concerned and worried for the safety of their people, our Citizens. They're all scared that there might be a war. They don’t know what the Spades King is planning and they're all wary and afraid. You get that East, don’t ya?”

- This is part 76 of The Adventures Of The World’s Superheroes series, a story told in several short posts
- Part 75
- Image is a Fate/Stay Night mousepad from Amazon.com
- Pic was chosen to represent the ongoing conflict between the Superheroes and the Spades, Diamonds, Clubs and Hearts Kingdoms

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