Writing Archives

Saying So Much With So Little Words

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
“How can you say so much using only a few words and sentences?”

“I don’t know. Don’t ask me. I’m still trying to achieve that. And, unfortunately failing. Miserably, in fact.”

“Oh. But, surely there must be a way.”

“There should be. I mean, if others can do it-”

“Can they?”

“Sure. Lots of them can. Easily, even.”
dialogue-only, philosophical musings, short stories, creative writing
“Is that so? And they can still manage to put substance and depth and meaning to their words?”

“Yes, apparently. Maybe. Does it matter?"

“Of course it does. We’re trying to figure out how we can say so much with so little, remember?”

“Right, right. Have we said enough yet?”

“Don’t ask me.”

“Well, maybe this is enough?”

“Is it? I don’t know. Doesn’t feel like it is.”

“Come on. It’s enough. Why? Are you worried? Troubled? What is it?”

“It’s just that, it seems like nothing was said at all.”

“Pfft. Come now, lots of things have been said. And, look, we even had an entire conversation. Fun, no?”

Comments (from back when this used to be posted elsewhere):

theresa kalesa (&organic_love):
It's fun to read! I wish to make this conversation only post.

Freya (in reply to theresa):
Thanks. I've been experimenting with conversation or dialogue-only posts in some of my articles. Since no one is being named and no action is being described, it would be important to make sure that each character has their own voice and that they can easily be distinguished from whoever they're talking to so you can tell who's saying what and when.

- Two people walking and talking art print on canvas pic is from Amazon.com
- Pic is meant to represent the two people in the story who are also talking

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