Sometimes, you just want to scream and shout, pour out your feelings of sadness and pain and melancholy to a world that refuses to listen to you.
Sometimes, you just want to cry, shed tears of sorrow as you stand alone in the middle of an open field and as you realize that you’re alone, alone, always alone, with only the moon and the stars for company.
Sometimes, you can’t help but feel so much anger, hatred, rage and frustration as nothing seems to go right and everything you do seems to fail.
Sometimes, you just want to be held, to cry in someone’s arms and feel reassured and comforted and reminded that you are loved and not alone and that there is someone that does care.
Sometimes, you just want to hear the words that “it will be all right”. Sometimes, you just want someone to listen to you, to know that your words don’t fall on deaf ears. Sometimes, you just want someone to smile at you and remind you that you haven’t been forgotten.
Sometimes, you feel so afraid and scared that you just want to close your eyes and will the darkness and the despair away. Sometimes, you just want to close your eyes and sleep, wishing that your dreams will always be beautiful and that you didn’t have to live this nightmare.
Sometimes, no, always, always, you just want to be happy. And, after all, isn’t that what really matters? Isn't that what everyone wants and needs?
Comments (from back when this used to be posted elsewhere):
Wow, that is powerful. I hope that you've never felt that depth and extent of despair yourself? I know that some people do... luckily I never have, but your writing made me "feel" and empathise with this state.
Freya (in reply to &julieanne):
Thank you. Yeah, there are some people who feel like this sometimes due to a number of reasons and, maybe some just can't help but feel such despair and sorrow due to whatever they may be experiencing.
Freya (in reply to &Rosbill):
It seems that people can experience feelings like this sometimes such as feeling sad or melancholy for a number of different reasons. And, of course, it's also likely that people will always want to experience feelings of happiness all the time.
theresa kalesa (&organic_love):
I've heard it said, "Sometimes, it's okay not to be okay."
And I absolutely love your musing. This is beautiful. :D
Freya (in reply to theresa):
Thank you :). I've heard that saying too and I think it has some truth to it. Sometimes, people can just feel depressed or sad and unhappy and frustrated and other such emotions. But, of course, they'd want to feel happy and they'd want to be happy. Sometimes, it's unfortunately not that easy though.
- Crying anime girl art print on canvas pic is from
- Pic is meant to represent the depressed and sad character in the story
What We Sometimes Want And What We Always Need
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