Writing Archives

I Didn’t Mean To Hurt You, But I Don’t Want To Say Sorry

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
superheroes series, adventure, fantasy, writing, story, LBX: Little Battlers eXperience, nintendo 3ds standard edition
Time passes. East and West don’t see each other again after their fight.

They don’t even get to talk to each other as both are busy trying to sort things out and take care of the problems in the respective kingdoms under their jurisdiction.

While the 2 are ignoring each other, tensions continue to rise between the western and eastern kingdoms near the Visible Demarcation Line. Many of the kingdoms still seem poised and ready for war.

But, with regards to East and West, the 2 Superheroes themselves don’t really want to fight anymore. Honestly, the truth was that they miss each other and they want to see and talk to one another, but they refuse to admit these facts, not even to themselves.

They're much too stubborn. They don’t want to be the first one to apologize and try to talk to the other. While they are both really sorry about hurting the other, neither want to be the first to apologize, thinking it’s the other who is mostly at fault, and, as such, that person should be the first one to ask for forgiveness.

- This is part 52 of The Adventures Of The World’s Superheroes series, a story told in several short posts
- Part 51
- Image is a pic from the LBX: Little Battlers eXperience - Nintendo 3DS Standard Edition from Amazon.com
- Pic is meant to represent the rising tensions between the eastern and western kingdoms of The World

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